I love summer! The sky is bright blue, all the trees are green, the birds are chirping, people are out walking (including me and my friend Carol, we walked everyday last week) and it is a time to just have fun. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that sometimes we need to just take a break and take a splash in the pool with some friends and cocktails. Summer is a time to have bbq’s with your family and friends where you can just spend time with those you love!

I have fond memories of the summer with my family, my mom just packed us up and we would go. We spent many summers in Laguna Beach where we visited our dear friend Bonnie and played at the beach. Our Bonnie is like a grandmother to my sisters and I as well as a second mom to my mother. By the way, I want to wish Bonnie a Happy 85th Birthday…it was yesterday, and this special lady deserves many happy wishes! She has been a friend to my mom and family for over 30 years, we met her when I was only two. Wow does time fly by fast! I will always hold her love and friendship very dear to my heart as well as those days of fun in the sun in Laguna Beach.

Another summer memory of mine would be baseball games with my dad. We traveled all over to see the New York Yankees play ball and I remember by dad always being so happy with an MGD in his hand rooting for the Yanks! I miss him everyday and I still get choked up to this day when I visit a ball park. It is like he is always there with me.

This past weekend we visited with my Uncle Walter and my cousins Adrian and Miles. I got a chance to snap a few moments with the boys, so they would have some memories of this summer. Here are a few of the images I wanted to share. I hope you are all enjoying your summer with family and friends! Have fun and don’t forget the sunscreen! ๐Ÿ™‚

Adrian, Walter, and Miles

My Cousins Adrian and Miles…good looks run in this family!

The boys being goofy!

Family Love!