We were so happy to have photographed the 4th Annual Cocktails for the Cure event this past Friday evening.   A big thanks to The Walker Zanger Tile Showroom in Tustin, CA as you donated your venue to this cause and were a fabulous host!  It was an amazing event this year filled with a wonderful atmosphere of  Hope and Love.  We hope everyone had a great time!

Here are a few photos from the event.  If you would like to see them all, please visit Sipper Photography’s Facebook Fan Page and view the 4th Annual Cocktails for the Cure Photo Album. Click here to view

Thanks so much to Kendall & Jasvina for all of your hard work in putting the event together.  You both are making a difference in helping us become aware of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We truly do need a cure for this disease and this event puts us one step closer to that!!!!

If you would like to participate in the Cocktails for the Cure event specifically, you can contact Kendall or Jasvina.

Kendall at: kendallcreative@cox.net or by calling her at 949.842.4872

Jasvina at: Jasvina@pll.com or by calling her at 714-955-3323

If you are just interested in donating to the cause please go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation