Hey everyone!

Have you seen it yet?

No, I’m not talking about this week’s episode of Mad Men (although you should see it, it was pretty good).  I’m talking about the new Sipper Photography website.

We’ve totally revamped it, hopefully making it easier to get around, look at the pictures, and made it oh, so easy to get ahold of us!  We liked our last site, but this one…  this one just looks a bit cooler.

Here’s the rundown of new stuff:

-Bigger, Better galleries… Bigger is better, right?

-A new main page that takes you directly to the site, or to the blog.

-An exciting new pricing sheet, that tells you all about the services we offer

-The J+D Section.  Here, we tell you what we are all about, and why we love photography, each other, and meeting wonderful people like you!

-Oh, and did I mention, bigger pictures?  No more tiny, postcard sized pics… Big, wonderful, moments for all to see!

If you can’t tell by now, we are both pretty excited to have a good looking site that will hopefully share a bit of what we do with you!

So, there ya go.  Now go check it out!

Well, go check it out after you check out the outtakes from our photo shoot we did last Sunday.  The thing is, Dana and I NEVER have pictures taken together.  Ever.  Well, unless you count the point and shoot pic where Dana holds the camera up in the air, and points it back at us.  So, we decided to go to our semi-secret location in downtown Orange (not really so secret, it’s a photographer’s dream spot!) dress up, and take pictures to use in the J+D section of the site.  Nothing better than a tripod, and the self-timer, ya know! Hahah well, maybe not.  I think I walked 2 miles in 20 ft. increments getting just the right picture to use… So, go take a look at the outtakes down below, and then go check out the keepers up on the site!

On our way to Downtown Orange!

Ahhh, the lucrative world of male modeling!

Is that Blue Steel?  Dana, trying to look FIERCE!

Ahhh yeah.. it’s business time!

Here I’m auditioning for Criss Angel’s stunt double!  This took about 20 shots to get this!  Hard to time the self-timer, and the jump!

After 200+ photos, the craziness sneaks out!

Business hours are over, baby!