Hi all!  Hope you had a great Labor Day holiday weekend.  We sure did.  It is amazing how much stuff you can pack into one weekend.  My sister Gloria and her boyfriend Jeremiah were visiting from Arizona.  On Saturday we watched the Penn State Football game at the OC Sports Grill because Sister G and I had to represent with our fellow PSU Alumni. We then did a little beer tasting at the Old Orange Brewing Company in Orange and continued on to a BBQ with friends. We finished off Saturday night with a little jazz music at the OC Great Park where the Preservation Hall Jazz Band was playing a concert.  We had seen them before in New Orleans.  I can’t get enough of a little “Bourbon Street Parade”!  I love that song!  On Sunday, we headed down to Balboa and walked around the pier and the fun zone.  It was another great day!

Hmmm…I just realized why I was so tired yesterday and just relaxed! It was a great weekend, but went by so fast.  I know it is always hard to get back in to the swing of things after a long weekend, but here we are!

So speaking of visiting with family.  We recently spent some time in San Diego with Jeff’s cousin Paul, his wife Polly and their daughter Ellie.  They have a new addition to their family and we were excited to meet him and take his newborn photos.  We just received his birth announcement in the mail and it turned out great, thanks guys!  Congratulations to all of you and today, Meet Brady Thomas!






Ellie is such a great Big Sister!


Love this shot of Ellie’s Hand holding her little brother’s finger!


A Families Hands!

We went for lunch in Liberty Station near Point Loma, then shot a few family moments in Liberty Park.  Here were a couple moments of the family that I just loved!!!


Ellie looks so sweet in this one!  Such a little model!


I love this one…everyone look at the baby!!!!