With 2009 fast approaching, I am starting to reflect on the last year and what I want to accomplish in the New Year. Time is just flying by so quickly and there is little time to waste. Jeff & I are very blessed to have each other. We have many friends & family who we absolutely adore. We spent last week with both of our families over Christmas and each year we just love them more.

On Monday, Jeff celebrated his 34th birthday! Hubby received many birthday wishes on Facebook, he really didn’t think he was that popular, but happiness just kept rolling in. We went to dinner at the Clubhouse Restaurant in Costa Mesa. In the spirit of our trip last year to New Orleans for his birthday he ordered Jambalaya. We didn’t have the same company as last year when Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Shiloh sat at the table right behind us at a Irene’s Italian Restaurant in the French Quarter. That was a night to remember! The food was great though and the wine we brought was even better.

Here are a few photos from our birthday date…

Awesome wine we had with dinner…check them out at Silver Horse Winery

We are excited today for the birth of Emmi Victoria Aguiar…my sister-in-law is at the hospital now as we blog. She is supposed to come today per Jenn’s doctors, so we wait. As soon as we hear something we will let all of you know!

Well, we wish all of you a Happy & Safe New Year’s Eve and come back tomorrow because we will be blogging our Top 10 photos we took this year!